If you came here searching for
porn I suggest you move on. NOT that there's anything wrong with porn it's just not here in this small, tiny website. I recommend
searching the other 99.9998% of the world wide web. 'cause that's where you'll find it. My site will still be here when you're
finished. Plus, I think you'll be able to focus better with all that pent up stress gone.
Anyway, about my site. If you
look to your left you'll find the handy content bar. Move your mouse thingy over the different items listed and you'll be
magically whisked to other parts of my site. I suggest going to My Story and read my bio. I know it's a little
long and grossly incomplete but it's personal (duh! it's a bio!) and has been surprisingly therapeutic to write.
The other sections contain the web
log archives, my movie inventory and a link to e-mail if you want to drop me a line.
Be a nice person and sign my guestbook! Sit a spell and take your shoes off and say "Howdy Y'all!" or don't and just sign
the thing. You'll find the link at the bottom of this very page.
NEW!! Check
out my classic comics I drew when I was a wee teenager. Click "Comix" on the menu bar and be whisked
away to the portal of my 15 year old hormone driven mind.
Enter at your own risk!